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There are some things we will never know. I’m ok with that, but I will never understand why God allows some lives to be intertwined for, what seems like, only hurt. I am not ok not knowing that.

I need to share a story: I wrote a blog recently about a message I received that depicted a story of God’s faithfulness. It did, but suddenly that was turned into a story of bitterness for reasons I do not know.

Our lives intertwined for one day to provide hope and then strip it away out of the blue. How does that seem faithful? How does that seem loving? How does that seem fair?

There is the word: fair. I’m obsessed with fairness. That is one of the reasons I am going to law school. But life just isn’t fair. But isn’t God supposed to be fair? Isn’t God, the creator of this life, supposed to be fair? The Bible doesn’t say “God is fair.” The Bible says, “God is good.” I don’t understand how to interpret some pains to show goodness. I can’t understand why something only a few days ago that revealed, what I thought was goodness, can now foster confusion and more hurt. I will not know until I get to Heaven, and I have to be ok with that.

I don’t know if I ever will truly be “ok” with that, but I can repeat over and over:

God is good.

God is good.

God is good.

Good cannot be bad. In fact, good has to be all things opposed to bad. So, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how bad it will always look, and no matter how bad I may feel GOD IS GOOD. I can’t say much more than that as I write. I’m hurt and confused by more than the person, I am hurt and confused by God.

Lord, I choose to believe you “work all things together for the good of those who love you” even when it doesn’t feel good. You love me. You hurt with me. You do not craft pain.

You are good. You are good. You are good.

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