easy as 1 2 3
I am reading through the Bible (I am actually sticking to my NY's resolution!!!), and, dropping the "good Christian" guise... I think the Old Testament is so, so boring. Sometimes, I find myself skimming the generational histories, the stories I have heard a million times (a.k.a. Noah), and the stuff I just don't understand. I have been trying to be more intentional about reading each word and thinking of applications to my own life. While I can't apply selling my birthright for food very easily- I can apply what it says about God. The Old Testament reveals God's character over and over again.
"God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel- and God knew."
- Exodus 2:24
We learn three things about God in this verse: He hears, He remembers, and He knows. Do you already see the progression being painted? To me, I read this and see the way I am to think about responding to God when suffering enters my life for long seasons, the same way it did the Israelites: I pray, I trust, and I release control.
God hears, so I will speak to him. This is one of the hardest parts of Christianity for me because, when you are a talker like me, it is so hard to speak and not hear an immediate response. That is when I think of the Israelites. Exodus 2 says they "cried" and "groaned." (v. 23) This went on for years. The Israelites suffered, with no response, for years, yet, they continued to cry to God. What a beautiful picture of having faith that God hears our cries, He hears our dreams, He hears our questions. He does not simply put them in a "to do" list. He begins the process of redemption right then because he remembers those prayers.
God remembers, so I will trust him. I think about my little hurts and cries, and I think about how fragile my faith is. Especially when the hurt keeps hurting anew everyday. Nonstop bullying makes me think that God isn't hearing, or if he is, it is not important enough to him. But God remembers his children. We see this all through the Old Testament- big or small, God remembers.
"God remembered Noah"
"God remembered Rachel"
"God remembered Abraham"
"God remembered his Word"
The Lord does not forget his children. When I read each of those verses, I realize what incredible things came from them trusting that God remembered them: humanity reborn, fertility to the infertile, a son rescued and a people created, a promise kept, and a man rescued from his enemies. (Gen. 8:1, 30:22, 19:29, Psalm 105:42) That is the power of trust. That is the power when we realize God does not forget, and we release control.
3. God knows, so I release control. I cannot tell you how many times I have thought to myself, "God, did you not see that? Did you not hear the way they just spoke to me?" That is me asking if God knows what is going on in my life. That is me asking if God knows what to do better than I. When we are hurt, wronged, or suffering, if you are like me, we go into self-preservation mode. For me, this looks like hiding away to protect myself from getting hurt again, trying to solve the problem through conversation and communication, or simply serving it right back to them. The problem is, what if you can't hide away? What if they don't want to talk? What if you don't want to have to serve anything back? All of those things are ways for us to solve the problem because we think we know better than God. God knows what to do. God knows it was wrong, and it hurt you. God knows what you need. We have to release our grip and allow the creator of the person who hurt us, the One who allows or does not allow consequences of sin to happen (look at Job for further explanation on that), and Him who makes all things work together for you to take control because He knows. He knows your heart. He knows their hearts. He knows more. He knows best.
When we find ourselves in the shoes of the Israelites, remind yourself of who God is. Knowing who God is prepares your heart to response to any situation, any person, and any hurt. God hears. God remembers. God knows. So, I pray. I trust. I release control.